Energy House, a support company for personal and professional success, has been organizing a major humanitarian motivation seminar "DARE" for three years in a row.
We gather wonderful humane people across Serbia to help together those who need support and love. But not only that, we also help every visitor to the seminar because by his arrival he made the decision to support others and himself.
More than 1,000 people have so far DARED TO go with the Energy House coaching team to launch a change in their lives. According to Dr Darko Cvetkovic, one of the authors of the seminar and the founder of Energy House, almost everything in life is possible only when we allow ourselves to dare.
– Honestly, if I had not dared to launch this seminar with my friend and colleague Lava Nikolic three years ago, today we would not have a traditional gathering that is receiving increasing support from people. From the decision to do something important and great in life, there is always only one thing for us: FAITH in what we want. We believed that with this seminar we would be able to touch the hearts of those who did not live the way they wanted, and we were able to help them. We have touched their hearts and ours are full because together with the visitors of education we continue every year to expand the list of individuals and institutions we have supported - "Darko Cvetkovic.
– Most people view health through the prism of physical condition. As an NLP coach, Coach and Reiki teacher who is a doctor of medicine by profession, this is perhaps the best I can confirm. And where is the mind? Where are the emotions? It is scientifically proven that we cannot observe the body separately from the mind, nor can our mind be separated from our emotions. Because many of us still do not view the body, mind and emotions as one complete, unbreakable system, they often have the impression that they are missing something and do not even know exactly what - says Darko, adding that this year he will convey to each visitor every visitor proven and very useful techniques that will help them build and maintain the harmony of their body, mind and emotions - TO LIVE HEALTHY!
We gather wonderful humane people across Serbia to help together those who need support and love. But not only that, we also help every visitor to the seminar because by his arrival he made the decision to support others and himself.
- Elementary school "Ćele Kula" in Niš for renovation of the festive hall
- Mobilizer for endangered kindergartens in Nis
- Center for the Protection of Infants, Children and Youth in Zvecanska, Belgrade
- Vasilisi Milekic from Belgrade for surgery in Texas, USA
- The Blue Phone Advisory Line for Children and Youth in Banja Luka
- Mladost Children's Home in Bijela
- Purchase of magnetic resonance imaging equipment in Novi Sad
Belgrade, Nis, Tivat, Novi Sad, Banja Luka.
1,113 participants